Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 11:47 AM

Subject: A new paradigm?


For the past couple of decades, I have become increasingly concerned and now extremely alarmed, as to the government we have allowed to impose itself upon us.


If you were like me, what you learned of the Constitution of the United States of America when you were young, was merely some rudiments regarding the three branches of government, the separation of powers and its checks and balances.


It was not until a decade ago that I read sufficient to truly understand how critical our Constitution is to the preservation of our nation and our freedom.


And, as I read and follow the news, I grow increasingly aware how the forces who find the Constitution a “hindrance” have violated their oaths of office to undermine the Constitution and thereby rob the public.


One thing we are taught is that it is our “civic responsibility” to vote—as if that was sufficient to safeguard our freedom.  It is not.


It is an ongoing and very time consuming task to come to grips with what is happening in our nation—its history and to keep somewhat abreast of current events.  And, to have some positive impact is another matter altogether.  But, voting under the current environment is not enough.


Would that it could be so simple to just vote, but it is not as if we are voting up or down on some law—but instead we are voting for people—people that we really do not know.  As such, it is seldom a possibility to vote in the positive.  More often it is to vote (hopefully) the lesser of evils.


Our current system of electing officials comes down to (for the average citizen) registering a choice among a set of candidates that are presented to us (instead of being selected by us)—each pandering for our vote while exhibiting various degrees of honesty or dishonesty, integrity or deceit. What that person is going to do once elected is really unknown. Often, big money, special interests and deceit wins the show.


It is not as if the average person can go to the newspaper or mass media to get the truth—as the mass media and most local newspapers are now owned and the editorial content largely controlled by large corporate interests.  The mainstream media is more a propaganda and entertainment machine than one of promoting reality. Getting the truth, and getting to the real facts is no easy task—and few have the time or inclination to do it.


Our founders knew that governments tend toward tyranny, which is why our nation was founded as a federalist system operating under the constraints of a Constitution.  Under a federalist system, we have tiers of government:  the federal, state, county and municipal—each with its own sector of autonomy and areas of authority. 


The federalist system was to protect us against the tyranny of a large central or “national” government.  However, the enemies of the Constitution, of which the Progressive Movement represents the most accomplished, has modified and eroded our Constitutional protections to the point that our current government no longer represents what our nation’s founders originally intended—but is instead now inflated even beyond the taxation capacity of its citizenry—and capable of grave tyranny on the rights and property of its citizens.


It would take many volumes to document the various laws, rulings, agencies, and other actions that are eroding and crippling this nation and its citizenry of its birthright.  It is not one or two issues that are destroying this nation, but thousands.


However, a close look at the thousands of issues discloses that it is just a few (say a dozen or so) corruptions of our Constitution that has opened the floodgates for the massive destruction of our nation. 


Voting against the worst offenders and voting for those who pander most effectively for your vote is not going to make more than a dent in the continuation towards national destruction.  We might elect a candidate who fights positively on a couple of issues we favor, while voting to pass more counter-productive legislation that we didn’t even know was on the horizon. It is not a process of three steps forward and two steps back—but one of virtually all steps being counterproductive.


If our current path continues, our manufacturing industry will continue to diminish (as foreign nations become our producers), our debt (which has already surpassed any reasonable ability to repay) will result in runaway inflation and financial collapse of the dollar on the world market, our public will become increasingly dependent upon government as its ability to be self-reliant is stripped away by government policy, the public grows increasingly ignorant (dumbed down) of reality due to the government educational system and special interest controlled media, and the moral fabric of the nation will continue to erode to the point of non-existence due to government policy.  Our enemies will be able to eventually subdue us with little or no effort as we defeat ourselves.  The United States will simply collapse as a world power and become one more nation—that for a moment in history had a good run—but then became subject to the tyrannies of the world’s seemingly limitless supply of people who like to control others (despots/tyrants).


Not exactly a pretty picture, but that is where we are rapidly headed as a nation.


When I was very young, I was an avid liberal and libertine.  As I matured and took on responsibility, I became more responsible and identified myself politically as a Republican.  For many years, I placed my hope in Republican candidates only to finally realize that the only real difference between a Republican and a Democrat was that the pace of destruction of our nation occurred a little slower under Republican leadership (at least some of the time).


In April 2009, many of us became upset enough that we held demonstrations—labeled as Tea Party demonstrations.  It was a glorious time.  We would prepare our individual signs and parade them along with others.  Each sign expressed sentiments of the individual and a myriad of issues were highlighted regarding the tyranny of our government run amuck. It seemed the public had suddenly awoken and were ready to move forward with an era of “We The People” self-government.


Since then, the Tea Party has gained traction, but from what I can see, it is trying to work within a broken and corrupt system to correct the ills of this nation.  As such, my hope is being squelched.


A new paradigm is needed.


When our nation was founded modern forms of communication and transportation did not exist, and newspapers were locally owned and not part of a national syndicate.  Though each colony (or state) had its own government systems already in place, there was a general consensus on values and what constituted freedom and opportunity.  Local public meetings were the norm, and candidates for public office were selected from the midst of those involved in the public business—and candidates tended to be a “vetted from the get-go” as known commodities—accountability to the electorate was real.


Also, the federal government was small—and operating under the guise of the recently approved Constitution and Bill of Rights.


That is not the case anymore.  A lot has been corrupted over the years.  Much needs to be “fixed” in order to return to a semblance of the original concepts of limited government and individual freedom.  However, for anyone familiar with fixing things, it is often easier to make matters worse in the attempt to fix something than it is to actually fix it.


For example, does anyone seriously consider how difficult it will be—even with a Republican controlled executive and legislature—to undo the harm done by Obamacare? 


The fact is government cannot undo the harm it has caused by enacting Obamacare.  It can only (hopefully) repeal Obamacare.  Repair (if it is to occur) must be accomplished by the private sector—and will take time (more time the longer it is delayed).  However, getting government out of the health care business is currently not very conceivable—as it represents the chief culprit with the problem in the first place. 


In regard to issues outside the auspices of government (which in our form of government should include almost every aspect of private enterprise) government lacks the ability to fix things—it knows how to complicate and wreck—it does not fix.


This is the problem that we encounter when we seek to use government to fix societal problems—in almost every case (maybe every case)—it makes the situation worse and at great cost to our freedom and pocketbook.


If “We the People” are to succeed in the great American experiment in self-government, then we need a new paradigm on how to govern ourselves—as the current system certainly is not working.


If we are to self-govern, we need to set the agenda, and we need to have representatives commissioned by us to carry that agenda forward. 


What I envision (as a possibility) is one where we the people actually agree on the basics of how we want our government to operate—and establish an agenda (hopefully a step by step process to reduce the size and scope of government and to restore the integrity of the Constitution).  For this to work, it must be a grass roots effort across the nation that develops a clear plan of action and a method for the common man to be integral to the effort. Given such a miracle, then (to get representatives) we select people from among our midst to be the candidates for the next election.  In such a process, we could select known commodities (not politicians) to serve for a term with a clear mandate as to what they are to promote—people to serve with an attitude of public service, not for personal gain.  This would be a real dream come true.




A DIRE WARNING OF WHERE THIS NATION IS HEADING: “History has proved it over and over, worldwide; only an all-powerful government could ever hope to control a populace with no moral core.”  -- The Eye of Moloch, page 139.


Do you understand our form of government?  If you do not understand the important difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy, you are not equipped to understand the politics of our struggle against tyranny.  Please watch this 10 minute 36 second video:


Political Opportunism – The forces of political opportunism overshadow and blind us to the real issues.  To turn this nation around, we must escape (at least for the moment) the tyranny of politicians and the promotion of such—as no man or group of men will be the salvation for our nation.  In the early days of the Massachusetts Colony, it is said that for an individual to seek public office was an immediate disqualification.  If only we, who wish to restore our Republic, could grab hold of that concept and live it, perhaps we could not just focus on the battle plan of action needed to restore our limited federal government, but also protect our potential candidates for public office from character assassination—by having the focus being on the policy that is being proposed, and not the individual candidate sworn to promote that policy.  This is an idea that bears much thought in order to come to fruition—for in its fruition is the only hope that corporate wisdom of “We the People” will prevail over the short sighted political process that governs modern American politics.


Do you want to understand the sad history as to how our nation is on the verge of bankruptcy due to its supposed WAR ON POVERTY?  I thought I understood the background fairly well until I read the book by Marvin Olasky, THE TRAGEDY OF AMERICAN COMPASSION.  The saga behind today’s government programs is truly a war on the values that made America a great nation!  Maybe, after you read the book, you will be like me and want the book made into a documentary so that the “useful idiots” that are manipulated by the enemies of our republic might learn something!  The Tea Party movement is never going to gain a true foothold on solving the nation’s ills until it understands that those at the bottom, the poor, those who have become dependent upon the myriad government programs are just as much victims as those who pay the bill. Until the Tea Party learns this and promotes that reality it will remain a marginal power to effect the change needed to restore this nation. 


Darwinian Evolution versus Nature’s God – Our founding documents refer to nature’s God. This is a most serious issue for the survival of our Constitutional Republic—for a valueless, rudderless populous is easy to lead astray.  As the Progressive's convince our youth that Darwinian Evolution is a scientific fact, they undermine our nation's foundational strength. One does not win the war of ideas by being uninformed.  There are a lot of books that I could recommend on the subject.  If you lack time, at least take a little time to view a video on Science and Creation, I recommend the 1 hour and 8 minute video by Hugh Ross.  It is currently available on YouTube:   This is an important topic if we are to reverse the Progressive move to eliminate God from the public forum, and if we hope to disarm the pseudo-intellectuals who mockingly refer Christianity as “intellectual suicide."  I highly recommend all of Hugh Ross’s books, and the resources available at   Two outstanding books on modern science, one on the Cosmos “Why The Universe Is the Way It Is” by Hugh Ross, and the other on the biology and physics of life, “The Hidden Face of God – How Science Reveals The Ultimate Truth” by Gerald L. Schroeder.  Buying used on Amazon, these make great eye-opening reads.


Stop letting those who hate the Constitution dictate the agenda and terminology:  BLUE reflects patriotism and should be for the Patriots of our Constitution, those, Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and yes: Classical Liberals who wish to restore our lost freedoms and the integrity of our Constitutional Republic. RED is the color of socialism/communism and should be the color to portray Progressives, Libertines, Leftist Liberals, Statists, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Anarchists, and all those simple minded groupies that are easily led astray by shallow ideologies.  Why should we patriots follow the color code dictated by the radical left who wish to portray us in an unfavorable light?   Look at the map of our last election in the true blue colors:


If you look closely at the map, you will see that we must win back the cities.  The election was no landslide for the opposition; we only lost by just over 2%. We need to explain (through the popular media of music, video, Internet, etc.) to the poor how they are being enslaved by government programs, and provide a realistic and optimistic view of a future where they too can have a fruitful and fulfilled life. (This can be achieved through such means as true parental choice in education, restored freedoms to work and create enterprise, and restored rights of private property so the poor can realistically pursue and achieve the American Dream!) 


Our nation is going down the tube because our federal government is violating the tenants of the U.S. Constitution.  Via a corrupt interpretation of the Commerce Clause, the federal government has usurped authority never granted by the Constitution and based on that corrupt interpretation a lion’s share of our federal bureaucracy has evolved to the detriment of “we the people”, the economy, the nation, and the rights of the individual States. You cannot effectively work to restore our freedom unless you understand the Constitution. A book I recommend (and it comes with an MP3 audio book and also available in video) is the 5000 Year Leap.  Learning the subject matter as contained in this book should be mandatory for any high school graduate.  If you have not read it, you are missing something important to your knowledge of the U.S. Constitution and your ability to fight the good fight to save America.  Check these resources:  and


I am a classical liberal—as were our nation’s founding fathers:  Classical liberalism is the philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government, constitutionalism, rule of law, due process, and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.  Just like everything else, those who hate the freedoms our forefathers gave us and want to create a powerful central state to control every aspect of our lives takes perfectly good terms (such as liberalism) and distorts it for their corrupting purposes. 


Good viewing:  Gun Control for Dummies – good information on the Bill of Rights


This nation is “losing it” as it progresses in a self-destruct mode.  This glorious nation, one uniquely founded on a most reasonable, albeit “sane” foundation than any previous in history—one which brought it to become that shining light to the world—is now becoming an irrational blight upon its own people.  Three of the powerful aspects that made America great are being devastated:  1) The strong moral and spiritual base within its people, 2) a free enterprise system, 3) the Constitution of the United States of America established to promote the first two aspects and to protect the public from the tyranny of unrestricted government power.


Our nation was founded by those who fled the despotism of Europe—both religious and governmental.  Leaning on the lessons from history it chose to found its government in a way as to keep the three major elements separate:  Religion, Government, and Economic Enterprise.  For, when any two of those combine, the result is tyranny.


Over the past 150 years, our once strong moral base has been undermined by relentless attacks on our religious beliefs, led by a once plausible theory of evolution—which in light of recent scientific discovery is at best the most far-fetched of pseudo-science—but now enforced by government in the public forum and taught as fact (for those who would care to do some reading on the subject, one book I would recommend is WHY THE UNIVERSE IS THE WAY IT IS, by Hugh Ross). 


While the Supreme Court still has the Ten-Commandments prominently displayed, our government actively promotes laws which undermine each and every one of those commandments—making it such that even the most evil of religions can righteously point to this nation as “The Great Satan.”


Unlimited expansion of the federal government has been made possible through a twisted and unintended interpretation of the “Commerce Clause,” –whereby the federal government has undermined the original intent, while blatantly neutering the Tenth Amendment.  This has allowed the federal government to unconstitutionally expand is power and diminish our once healthy and prospering free enterprise system. 


Any student of history or of human nature knows how fallible man is, and what wickedness he is capable of inflicting on his fellow man.  And any man of spiritual understanding can see beyond the shallow ideologies of socialist, communist, and progressive thought which dominate modern politics. 


We are in the midst of a war where the enemy is bent on destroying our nation’s moral and spiritual base, our free enterprise system, and the Constitution created to protect it from man’s natural inclination to use government to accumulate power over others.


The attack of the enemy is on multiple fronts and relentless.  We must learn to fight effectively—but the battle is the Lord’s.  If we are to wage it successfully, we must seek His light, His wisdom, His direction, and His Power.  I am not a religious man and must fight off the tendency to hold the institutional church in America in contempt, as it has allowed the enemy to flourish.  But thank God we do not need the institution of the church to save this nation, but we do need God.  As Christ said in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."  While I applaud the efforts of patriots in various Tea Party movements to expose the attacks of the enemy, we need to establish a true battle plan to win back our Republic.  Only with God’s power and direction can we achieve this.  I for one, welcome the opportunity to meet with others in prayer for the purpose of seeking God’s direction and power to turn this nation around.


Be aware America:

"Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence." – Alexander Hamilton
"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." – Edmund Burke
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." – Martin Luther King Jr.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." – Edmund Burke
"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men." – Martin Luther King Jr.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." – Thomas Jefferson
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." – Ronald Reagan
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." – Thomas Jefferson
“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.” – Psalm 146:3
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
"There is no gain without struggle." – Martin Luther King Jr.
"Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one. " – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." – Samuel Adams

“I don’t make jokes.  I just watch the government and report the facts” Will Rogers 

"Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the spot of every wind. With such persons, gullability, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck." – Thomas Jefferson 

Registered to vote? Check the voter registration status of yourself or a friend:  Every patriot you can get registered to vote increases our chances of making positive change come the next election. Even better, why not provide them the form to fill out to vote absentee?


As longshoreman philosopher Eric Hoffer once observed, "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket."

“That's the difference between a totalitarian and a normal person. Liberals are obsessed with controlling what other people do.” – Ann Coulter 2/27/13

"How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!"—Samuel Adams, 1776

“It would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights; that confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism; free government is founded in jealousy, and not in confidence; it is jealousy, and not confidence, which prescribes limited constitutions to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power; that our Constitution has accordingly fixed the limits to which, and no farther, our confidence may go….In questions of power, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.—Thomas Jefferson